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Mesothelioma is a disease that is both insidious and deadly. With a latency period of 15-45 years, the disease is often in advanced stages before it is discovered. It can be extremely difficult to diagnose because its symptoms often mimic other diseases. People diagnosed with this disease are understandably frightened and confused, and have many questions. A general knowledge of the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and compensation opportunities involved can help the patient cope and effectively communicate with their medical team.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that forms in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin membrane that lines the inner chest wall, and surrounds organs and body cavities. Made up of two layers, the visceral (inner) and parietal (outer), the mesothelium is known as the pleura when found in the chest and the peritoneum when found in the abdomen.

Pleural mesothelioma makes up 70% of all cases, with peritoneal and pericardial mesotheliomas making up the rest. Each type has its own set of symptoms and treatment options which will be discussed later.


In 9 out of 10 cases, the disease is caused by asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibre that has been used in shipbuilding, construction, demolition, and insulation. When inhaled, the dust and fibres from the asbestos get trapped deep in the lungs and can not be expelled. Eventually, the body will try to destroy the fibres, causing swelling and inflammation. Fluid begins to collect between the layers of the pleura, and breathing becomes restricted.


There are often no symptoms until the disease is well into advanced stages. Patients with later stage disease will experience sweating, fatigue, weight loss, lack of appetite, and breathlessness. Pain is an issue in both the pleural and peritoneal forms, and pleural patients will also have bloody sputum and voice changes.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis of mesothelioma is extremely difficult. Even after the usual protocol of CT scans, MRI’s, biopsies, and exploratory surgery, the disease can be hard to pinpoint.

Once a definite diagnosis has been given, the treatment options vary from patient to patient. There is no cure for the disease, and treatment depends on the type, stage of the disease, and the overall health of the patient. Treatments options usually include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery, and are mainly used to relieve symptoms.


For victims of the disease, there are various methods of compensation. Compensation from the government can be found through the Industrial Industries Disablement Benefit and the War Pensions Agency. If the exposure to asbestos happened on the job, patients should consult a solicitor to discuss options. Finally, patients may be able to get compensation through the Diffuse Mesothelioma Scheme 2008.


